It's a beta, so i appreciate feedback.
Download latest version (DDS preview added; opening archives is broken): Skin Manager for Rise of Flight v1.0 beta 04
Previous version (JPEG previews): Skin Manager for Rise of Flight v1.0 beta 03
Courtesy of ImPeRaToR (post), we now have some compressed skin packs which you may find useful:
1. Squadron Skin Pack for Les Hellequins: hq_skins.1019.tar.xz
2. A Skin Pack for use with the 1.019 Career mode, "including the entire official skin pack as well as a few community skins which are being used or will be used in 1.020 by player and AI controlled squadrons, but without bloating it with skins that are not being used (yet)": 1.019 Career mode skin pack
Install instructions for such skin packs, can't be easier (images by ImPeRaToR):